How I got into yoga

Many times you have seen the ultra-flexible people all over social media, and probably wondered, how do they do it. They must have been practicing their entire lives to accomplish it, I will never be able to get there. And here, I must stop you. I was there just three months ago, not being able to touch my toes, feeling like a rusty and dusty washing machine.

Yes, that exactly how inflexible I felt, you can imagine a washing machine stretch - Oh, you cant? There you go. I never really liked yoga that much, or at least I had no idea that I potentially could fall in love with the power of motion that it provides.

I thought I was more into energetic, dynamic workouts - cardio is my life! And here is where I must admit, and I don’t often do it- that I was wrong.


This one morning I decided to turn on a video, I was feeling, in particular, stressed that day. The pandemic fatigue, stress at work, no boyfriend September, October, November, and counting. A new treatment needed to be found, and I was also bombarded with content from all over social media, that I so wanted to abandon at some point by the way.


The video was great, I must admit it. After a couple of minutes of repeating the nice and calm lady, I realized my body was shaking and I started sweating. It felt good, at the same time, I don’t remember my core being that activated in a while. So, here I am. Done with my first pandemic yoga session.


Was it hard to start?


Not to me. All I needed was just a tad of motivation, my regular sports clothes, and a training mat. To be honest, many times afterward I have practiced my morning yoga in my pajamas, did you know that they also have yoga in bed?!

You don’t even need a yoga mat for this one!


If I am to advise you anything before starting your yoga journey, it would be, to simply start.


In the beginning, I had no idea about all the fancy equipment, the nomenclature, yoga channels, and so on. It was just me and my goodwill, the one that drives me to accomplish my goals and dreams. And so taking care of my body and soul became suddenly one of them. I started following youtube channels with various flows, found my own, and kept practicing. And to my surprise, I am bendier today than I was back in the days when practicing ballet as a teenager. It simply feels good. I got myself a new sweat-free yoga mat - because trust me, you are going to sweat if you, just like me, indulge yourself with dynamic vinyasa flows.


I started surrounding myself with more scents, candles in the morning create an amazingly hyggeligt atmosphere, especially in Scandinavia, where mornings last until dinner. Incense sticks became a must during the live zoom yoga sessions with my favourite teachers, the smoke and the exotic smell help me travel to all the forbidden places. I am free again, with my passport and a way to heavy luggage, free to travel and from worries of not being able to come back home. I am my home in this brief moment.


So, to you and your loved ones.


Put on something comfy, turn on a video, engage a friend, and start the journey, the one we are never going to be banned from, and embrace your body, your mind, and your soul. It is all there for you to be used, don’t waste it!

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